Lenovo Qitian M420 (i5 9500/8GB/128GB+1TB/Integrated Graphics/21.5LCD) Parameters and Desktop PC Configuration Introduction

Lenovo Qitian M420 (i5 9500/8GB/128GB+1TB/Integrated Graphics/21.5LCD) Parameters and Desktop PC Configuration IntroductionIllustration 1

Listed price reference offer:¥6710
Basic parameters
Product Model Qitian M420
Product Type Business computers, home computers
operating system Windows 7 Professional 64bit (64-bit Professional) pre-installed
Motherboard chipset Intel B360
processing unit
CPU Series Intel Core i5 9th Generation Series
CPU Model Intel Core i5 9400
CPU frequency 3GHz
Maximum RWD 4.1GHz
Bus Specifications DMI3 8GT/s
(computing) cache L3 9MB
Core code Coffee Lake
Number of cores/threads Six cores/six threads
Processes 14nm
storage device (computer)
Memory capacity 8GB
Memory Type DDR4
Hard disk capacity 128GB+1TB
Hard Disk Description Hybrid hard disk (SSD+HDD)
Optical drive type DVD burner
video card
Graphics Card Type core graphics card
graphics chip High-performance integrated graphics
memory capacity Shared Memory Capacity
DirectX DirectX 12
monitor (computer)
Monitor Size 21.5 in.
Display resolution 1920×1080
Monitor Description FHD widescreen
network communication
wired network card 1000Mbps Ethernet card
PC computer accessories
Packing List Host x1
21.5-inch monitor x1
Warranty Information
Warranty Policy National warranty, enjoy three packages
Warranty Time 2 years
Warranty Remarks 3 years for the whole machine
customer service hotline 800-810-8888
Telephone Remarks 9:00-18:00
Details For product failures covered by the warranty, repair is the principle of resolution. Where practicable, we may attempt to diagnose and resolve your product failure via the internet, telephone or other remote assistance. The corresponding warranty period for the product and components is in accordance with the relevant Product Warranty Information. The warranty period starts from the date of first purchase of the product, which is based on the date of the invoice for the purchase of the product. If there is no valid invoice, the warranty period will be counted from the date the product leaves the factory. If the invoice date of the product is later than the actual delivery date of the product, the warranty period will be counted from the actual delivery date of the product. Go to official website>>

*For reference only, please refer to the actual local sales product information; if you find the information is wrong, please feedback.

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