Warranty Information |
Warranty Policy |
National warranty, enjoy three packages |
Warranty Time |
3 years |
Warranty Remarks |
3 years for the whole machine |
customer service hotline |
4000-82-9996 |
Telephone Remarks |
9:00-00:00 (closed on holidays) |
Details |
Since the sale of the first year to the third year, you in the case of normal use of the product, if there is a "microcomputer commodity performance failure list" listed in the quality of the problem, and belongs to the normal warranty coverage of the product, the final seller should be in accordance with the "three packages" relevant provisions to provide you with appropriate services. Three-color all-in-one brand products outside the standard expansion modules (such as motherboard / CPU / memory / hard disk, etc.) or other manufacturers of accessories (such as speakers / keyboard / mouse, etc.), the warranty commitment, please browse the corresponding product warranty regulations, not the Division I provide warranty services. For details, please refer to the warranty card attached to the product, or call our customer service hotline for specific inquiries. Enter the official website>>Enter the official website>> |
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